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Adding Title Effects

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Click the button to open the Title Room to access a library of title effect templates that allow you to add movie titles, screen captions, credits, etc. to your videos. Title effect templates are added to video tracks in the timeline.

Note: this section outlines the procedures for adding title effects in timeline mode, as all the program's features are available in this mode. If you prefer to use the storyboard mode, and you find one of the outlined features is not available, you can press the Tab key on your keyboard to switch to timeline mode.

To insert a title effect to the timeline, do one of the following:

Note: 360º title effects can be added to the timeline in the same way as non-360º (2D or 3D) title effects. If you want to use a non-360º title effect in your 360º video project, you should first convert it to 360º. Note that some features are not available for 360º title effects.

use the timeline slider to set the position where you want the title, select the title effect template in the library, and then click to add it to the selected video track.

use the timeline slider to set the position where you want the title, right-click on the title effect template in the library, and then select Add to Timeline to add it to the selected video track.

manually drag and drop a title effect template to a desired position on any video track to add it to the timeline.

Note: hold down the Alt key on your keyboard when moving or resizing title effect templates on the timeline to temporarily turn off the snap to feature for smoother clip movement and placement. If you'd like to duplicate a title effect template on the timeline, hold down the D key on your keyboard and then click and drag your mouse to a new position in the timeline. A duplicate title effect template will be placed at the new position.

When adding a title effect to the timeline (inserting or dragging and dropping), if the timeline slider is over an existing clip, or you drop it on an existing clip, you are prompted to use one of the ripple editing options to insert the clip:

Overwrite: select to overwrite the existing clip with the title effect.

Insert: select to split the clip and insert the title effect between the two portions. CyberLink PowerDirector also only moves the clips on the same track to the right.

Insert and Move All Clips: select to split the clip and insert the title effect between the two portions. CyberLink PowerDirector also moves all of the media clips on the timeline that lie to the right of the inserted clip, right.

Crossfade: select to lay the title effect over a portion of the existing clip and auto add a fade transition between the two clips.

Note: the Crossfade option does not overwrite the content on the track, instead adding an overlap transition between the two clips. See Setting Transition Behavior for more information. The Crossfade option is only available if the end of the new clip is not over any existing content on the track.

Replace: select to replace a current clip on the timeline with the title effect. Use this option if you don't want to change the structure of the current content on the timeline.

Note: if the duration of the clip you are replacing is longer or shorter than the title effect, CyberLink PowerDirector automatically resizes it to fit the original clip's duration.

If the timeline slider is in a gap between two clips on a timeline track when inserting a title effect, you are prompted to use this ripple editing option to insert the clip:

Trim to Fit: select to have CyberLink PowerDirector auto set the duration of the title effect to fit the gap to the right of the timeline slider.

Once added to the timeline, you can click on it in the preview window to type in the title text you want (non 360 title effects only). For more advanced editing, select the title effect template on the timeline and then click the Designer button to edit it in the Title Designer. See Modifying Titles in the Title Designer for more information. For information on setting the amount of time the title effect appears in your video production, see Setting a Media Clip's Duration.