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Audio Ducking

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Use audio ducking to automatically optimize the audio mix in videos that contain dialogue or narration. By selecting a clip in your video production that you want to be quieter, audio ducking will help ensure the voices in concurrent clips are heard by lowering the volume in the selected clip.

To use audio ducking, do this:

1.Select a video or audio clip on the timeline that you want to have a lower volume.

2.Click Tools above the timeline and then select Audio Ducking.

3.In the Audio Ducking window, you can customize the controls as follows:

Sensitivity: sets the level of detection of dialogue/narration in other clips.

Ducking level: set how much you want to reduce the volume in the selected clip.

Fade-out duration: set the duration for lowering the volume in the selected clip.

Fade-in duration: set the duration for fading the audio back in once the dialogue/narration in the other clip ends.

Note: select the Apply to all clips on the same track option if you want to sync the audio ducking applied to all the clips in your video project.

4.Click OK to apply. CyberLink PowerDirector will lower the audio in the selected clip using the audio level keyframe nodes.