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CyberLink PowerDirector Help

If you have CyberLink PhotoDirector* and/or ColorDirector* installed on your computer, you can access the advanced fixes and enhancements available in these programs from within CyberLink PowerDirector. The adjustments you make to your media clips are then imported back into your current video production.

Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector.

CyberLink PhotoDirector is a photography program that lets you manage and adjust your digital photos. CyberLink ColorDirector is a video editing program that turns your video footage into eye-catching videos through the use of video color creating and correcting.

To adjust an image in CyberLink PhotoDirector, do this:

1.Select the image clip on the timeline, click the Fix/Enhance button above the timeline, and then the PhotoDirector button. The CyberLink PhotoDirector program opens.

Note: some PhotoDirector features are not available when the program is opened via PowerDirector.

2.Perform the adjustments on the image as necessary. Please consult the help file in CyberLink PhotoDirector for detailed information on adjusting and editing images in that program.

3.Once you finish adjusting the image file in CyberLink PhotoDirector, click the Back button within the program. Your changes are saved and the adjusted image is imported back into the timeline.

To adjust a video clip in CyberLink ColorDirector, do this:

1.Select the video clip on the timeline, click the Fix/Enhance button above the timeline, and then the ColorDirector button. The CyberLink ColorDirector program opens.

2.Perform the adjustments on the video clip as necessary. Please consult the help file in CyberLink ColorDirector for detailed information on adjusting video clips in that program.

3.Once you finish editing the video clip in CyberLink ColorDirector, click the Back button within the program. Your changes are saved and the adjusted video clip is imported back into the timeline.