This section outlines how to save and produce Ad Designer projects, as well as how to send them for advanced editing.
You can save your Ad Designer projects so you can work on them later, or use them as a template for the next promotional video. To save an Ad Designer project, do this:
1.In the Ad Designer, click the Save Project button in the bottom left corner.
2.Enter a name for the project in the field provided.
3.Click OK.
Saved projects can be found on the Projects tab in the Ad Designer. To open a saved project, click on the Projects tab and then select the project to load it.
Once you are done creating your promotional video click the Produce Video button to output it as a video file you can upload to social media or share with others. To produce an Ad Designer project, do this:
1.In the Ad Designer, click the Produce Video button.
2.Click the Browse button to select the location where your produced video file will be created on your computer.
3.Select from the available video resolutions.
4.Click the Produce button to output your project as a new video file.
If you want to see some advanced producing options, including uploading your video directly to social media, click the Advanced button. See Producing Your Project for more details.
If you want to perform more advanced editing on your promotional video, including changing the duration of scenes, click the Advanced Editing button to import it into the PowerDirector workspace.
Note: once you perform advanced edits on your project in the PowerDirector timeline, you cannot return to the Ad Designer for further editing. |