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CyberLink PowerDirector Help



Scroll Timeline Horizontally

Mouse wheel

Scroll Timeline Vertically

Alt+Mouse wheel

Zoom Timeline In/Out

Ctrl+Mouse wheel

Ctrl + Drop

Overwrite content on track when a clip is dropped on another clip

Shift + Drop

Move all clips on the timeline to the right when a clip is dropped on another clip

Alt + Drop

Lay the clip over the existing clip and add a transition between the two clips when a clip is dropped on another clip

D + Drag

To duplicate a video or image clip on the timeline, hold down the D key on your keyboard and then click and drag your mouse to a new position in the timeline

Alt + Drag

Hold down the Alt key on your keyboard when moving or resizing clips on the timeline to temporarily turn off the snap to feature


Mark in


Mark out


Select camera 1 in MultiCam Designer


Select camera 2 in MultiCam Designer


Select camera 3 in MultiCam Designer


Select camera 4 in MultiCam Designer