Hotkeys |
Command |
Scroll Timeline Horizontally |
Mouse wheel |
Scroll Timeline Vertically |
Alt+Mouse wheel |
Zoom Timeline In/Out |
Ctrl+Mouse wheel |
Ctrl + Drop |
Overwrite content on track when a clip is dropped on another clip |
Shift + Drop |
Move all clips on the timeline to the right when a clip is dropped on another clip |
Alt + Drop |
Lay the clip over the existing clip and add a transition between the two clips when a clip is dropped on another clip |
D + Drag |
To duplicate a video or image clip on the timeline, hold down the D key on your keyboard and then click and drag your mouse to a new position in the timeline |
Alt + Drag |
Hold down the Alt key on your keyboard when moving or resizing clips on the timeline to temporarily turn off the snap to feature |
[ |
Mark in |
] |
Mark out |
1 |
Select camera 1 in MultiCam Designer |
2 |
Select camera 2 in MultiCam Designer |
3 |
Select camera 3 in MultiCam Designer |
4 |
Select camera 4 in MultiCam Designer |