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CyberLink PowerDirector Help

Navigation: Producing Your Project

Producing Selected Range in Produce Window

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You can produce just a selected range* of your project in the produce window. To produce a selected range in the produce window, do this:

Note: * this feature is currently only available in the subscription version of CyberLink PowerDirector.

1.Click on the Produce button to open the produce window.

2.In the produce window's preview window, use the player controls to find where you want the produced video to begin, and then click to set the mark in position. You can also drag the mark in position slider to this position.

3.Use the player controls to find where you want the produced video to end, and then click to set the mark out position. You can also drag the mark out position slider to this position.

4.Click the Start button to output the selected range as a file. See Outputting Project to a File for more details.