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Using Content Aware Editing

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To analyze the video clips and then open the Content Aware Editing window, right-click on a video clip in the media library, and then select Edit Using Content Aware Editing. Or add the clip to the timeline and then click Tools > Content Aware Editing. When editing video clips in Content Aware Editing, its window displays as follows:

A - Player Controls

B - Segment Selection Tools

C - Selected Segments

D - Deselected Segments

E - Detected Scene Markers

F - Recommended Segments

G - Segments Need Fixing

H - Fix All Segments

I - Content Selection Categories

Note: the preview quality of the video in the Content Aware Editing window is dependent on preview quality setting specified in preview/display options. See Preview Quality for more information on selecting a preview quality.

In the Content Aware Editing window, the segments indicated in green are the recommended portions of the clip that CyberLink PowerDirector believes are the most interesting, or are the "good parts". They may include camera zooms or pans, and segments that contain a lot of motion or people talking (speech). CyberLink PowerDirector also performs face detection on the video clip to highlight sections that include people's faces.

The light brown segments are parts that need fixing, because either the video is shaky or poorly lit. You can choose to fix or remove these "bad parts".

Check the content selection categories for details of what each highlighted segment consists of.

Note: hover your mouse over the highlighted segments for more detailed information about what they include.

The segments that are not highlighted are parts of your video that CyberLink PowerDirector believes are not necessary to include. You can however include these segments by selecting them with the mark in and out buttons.

Previewing the Video Content

Use the player controls to preview the entire video clip. To preview a specific highlighted segment, right-click on it and then select Preview this Segment. Playback stops once the selected segment playback is complete.

Fixing Content

If the segments that CyberLink PowerDirector has highlighted for removal contain parts of your video that you don't want to exclude, you can instantly fix them in the Content Aware Editing window.

To fix segments, do either of the following:

right-click on the highlighted segment and then select Apply Fix to Entire Scene. Select this option to apply the required fix to the entire scene in the video clip, which is indicated by the detected scene markers. This ensures there are no sudden changes in lighting or other video properties in the scene. In the Auto Fixer window use the player controls to preview how the fixed content will look. If satisfied with the results, ensure that Apply auto fix is selected and then click on OK to apply the fix to the scene.

Note: if no scenes were detected in your video clip, the fix is applied to the entire clip when Apply Fix to Entire Scene is selected.

right-click on the highlighted segment and then select Apply Fix to this Segment. Select this option to apply the required fix to just the selected segment of video. In the Auto Fixer window use the player controls to preview how the fixed content will look. If satisfied with the results, ensure that Apply auto fix is selected and then click on OK to apply the fix to the selected segment of the video clip only.

click the button to have CyberLink PowerDirector auto fix each of the highlighted segments in the same content selection category.

CyberLink PowerDirector will fix the segments, which are then indicated with a wrench icon.

Note: if you'd like to undo any of the fixes you made in the Content Aware Editing window, just right-click on a fixed segment and then select Remove Applied Fix.

Content Selection

Use the segment selection tools to begin selecting the video content you want to include in the trimmed clip. Any content segments you add to the deselected list, or do not select, will be trimmed out of the video clip.

Note: you must add at least one segment to the Selected list to enable the OK button and trim the video clip.

Selecting Content

To select video content, do any of the following:

click on a highlighted segment and then click the Selected button.

right-click on a segment and then select Add to Selected List.

click on to add all of the video content, except the content in the Deselected list, to the Selected list. CyberLink PowerDirector will remove any content you previously added to the Selected list.

use the player controls to find and then click on to mark the beginning of a segment of video you want to include. Use the player controls or drag the timeline slider and then click to mark the end. Once selected, click on Selected to add to the Selected list.

Once you are done selecting all the content, click the button in the Selected list to preview what the trimmed video clip will look like. Select a segment and then click if you want to remove it from the list.

Click on OK to trim the video clip as specified. The trimmed video is automatically inserted into the timeline at the current timeline slider position.

Deselecting Content

To deselect video content, do any of the following:

click on a highlighted segment and then click the Deselected button.

right-click on a segment and then select Add to Deselected List.

use the player controls to find and then click on to mark the beginning of a segment of video you do not want to include. Use the player controls or drag the timeline slider and then click to mark the end. Once selected, click on Deselected to add to the Deselected list.

Once you are done deselecting all the content, click the button in the Deselected list to preview the content that will be trimmed out. Select a segment and then click if you want to remove it from the list.

Click on OK to trim the video clip as specified. The trimmed video is placed in the timeline for you automatically.